Sustainable fashion week 2023

Having helped us curate our very own Department of Fashion, Sustainable Fashion Week are now returning to Sparks to host the Bristol Hub for Sustainable Fashion Week 2023. Together we are hosting a huge range of events and gathering the city’s sustainable fashion activators together to share their knowledge and skills and celebrate the sustainable fashion revolution.

Join us for a catwalk show like no other. Sustainable Fashion Week presents an evening of revolutionary style on the runway, rebelling against fast fashion and the cult of new! The runway show will feature a Bristol designers and second-hand sellers, all styled by our very own in-house sustainable stylist, Meg from Clothemod. The revolution is only just getting started!

We have loads of exciting things going on in Sparks Bristol as part of Sustainable Fashion Week. From free sustainable styling sessions to pop-up shops and repair workshops, there are loads of ways to get involved.

May, 2024

We currently have enough clothes in the world to last us another six generations. Yet, each year over 100 billion items of clothing are still being made, contributing to around 10% of global carbon emissions. Poor working conditions in garment factories are widespread and plastic-based fabrics release millions of microfibres into our oceans on every wash. But there are solutions! Play the Threads game and let Global Goals Centre take you on an immersive journey exploring how our clothes can be changed for good.

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